
3 Shocking Signs The Great Awakening Has Begun (Not What You Think)...

3 Shocking Signs The Great Awakening Has Begun (Not What You Think)... 3 Shocking Signs The Great Awakening Has Begun
In this video we talk about what is going on in the world and the great awakening that is beginning to take place in humanity and human consciousness.

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#TheGreatAwakening #SpiritualAwakening #Awakening

The great awakening is upon us and has officially begun. And in this video I wanna share with you three shocking signs that the great awakening has begun and what you can expect from it moving forward.

So the first shocking sign, and really the start of this whole great awakening is really a distrust for government and systems that starting to brew. People are starting to get skeptical. They're starting to get skeptical about the economy, official narratives. The government is telling people. Now, the result of this, and we started to see this in the 70s is that in essence there is kind of a counterculture movement. Now in the 70s the counterculture movement was really kind of more spawn by drug psychedelics, things like that. This is something that is going to be totally different in that this distrust for government in this questioning of media narratives.

The result of it is it breeds community. One of the problems that we've had in our world is we're more divided than ever. And we have gotten to this place where there's such a big separation and that's all starting to fall because when you start to get into this place for, there's a higher level of distrust and questioning of official narratives. What happens is you start to breed community when people are quarantined, when people are locked down, what else happens? You start to build community. Well, what happens when you're locked down and there's all these things happening in the world and you realize a lot of your problems aren't as major as you thought? Well, it breeds compassion. We start to get closer to one another and then we go, okay, well if I'm starting to question all these narratives and I'm starting to question things in the world, is there more to life?

The result of it is it breeds community. One of the problems that we've had in our world is we're more divided than ever. And we have gotten to this place where there's such a big separation and that's all starting to fall because when you start to get into this place for, there's a higher level of distrust and questioning of official narratives. What happens is you start to breed community when people are quarantined, when people are locked down, what else happens? You start to build community. Well, what happens when you're locked down and there's all these things happening in the world and you realize a lot of your problems aren't as major as you thought? Well, it breeds compassion. We start to get closer to one another and then we go, okay, well if I'm starting to question all these narratives and I'm starting to question things in the world, is there more to life?

And this is the big kicker of the great awakening is a spiritual awakening that there's more to life. The way the elites control society is by keeping us in a little mental box called the rat race and that rat race is, I'm separate from you. I need to worry about myself. I need to wake up, go through the same routine. Is yesterday. Knock this out, knock this out. It's a survival mode where we're never really in a level of consciousness where we're thinking about who we are and what life could really be about, and the shocking sign that this paradigm is starting to collapse is right before our eyes only. This isn't another reread of the 70s this is a shift when people are starting to realize that we're all one and they're starting to look within themselves and find out that they're much more than a little body.

In fact, 99% of who you are, you can't even see. The second shocking sign of this great awakening is a fear of death. Now, death is a taboo subject that we do not speak about. It's something that nobody wants to talk about. Well, what happens when you have a global lockdown year? Every day? The news is televising new desk. People are dying, people are sick, all these types of things, and you can't move on with a regular life. So you have a lot of time to reflect and a lot of people are afraid. You're confronted with your own quote unquote mortality and you're confronted with the fear of death only. What's going to happen right now is that there is this great spiritual awakening and people realize there actually is no such thing as death. So the biggest thing, I think it's, it's the most important sign is when people's reptilian brains are activated and these reptilian brains are controlled by fear and we start getting all afraid.

3 Shocking Signs The Great Awakening Has Begun (Not What You Think)...

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