
African american christians, we need to talk. Your life and soul depend on it.

African american christians, we need to talk.  Your life and soul depend on it. Culture vs religion
roman created christianity is not your religion African american. We don't have a religion. We have a culture. A culture given to us by our Father, The ALMIGHTY Creator, through a royal bloodline. A culture written in Our Old Testament, written only for us. Deuteronomy 28. A culture with strict rules that our Creator tells us to follow, THAT WE CAN'T STRAY FROM. A culture that was here, way, way before the non-melanated races were even created.roman created christianity, is a religion and not a culture. There are followers of roman created christianity worldwide, of all different cultures.

roman created christianity has only one rule. Confess your sins to jc when you're done sinning. That’s it. You can fornicate with whoever and whatever you want. You can eat whatever you want and you can murder anyone you want. As long as you call on jc's name when you're done, you're forgiven.

Isaiah 45:5-75 I am the The ALMIGHTY Creator, and there is none else, Beside Me there is no God; I have girded thee, though thou hast not known Me; 6 That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, That there is none beside Me; I am The Most High; and there is none else; 7 I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil; I am The ALMIGHTY Creator, that doeth all these things.

Jeremiah 16:1313therefore will I cast you out of this land into a land that ye have not known, neither ye nor your fathers; and there shall ye serve other gods day and night; forasmuch as I will show you no favour.’African american christian, when you walk away from christianity, and follow the words of The Most High, He gives you everything you need to endure these days, including protection. 

Job 5:17, 20-2217 Behold, happy is the man whom The ALMIGHTY correcteth; Therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty.20 In famine He will redeem thee from death; And in war from the power of the sword. 21 Thou shalt be hid from the scourge of the tongue; Neither shalt thou be afraid of destruction when it cometh. 22 At destruction and famine thou shalt laugh; Neither shalt thou be afraid of the beasts of the earth.

Jeremiah 33:33 Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, And will tell thee great things, and hidden, which thou knowest not.Notice he didn’t say call unto Me, through my son.

Psalms 34:15 16 The eyes of The ALMIGHTY Creator are toward the righteous, And His ears are open unto their cry. פ 17 The face of The ALMIGHTY Creator is against them that do evil, To cut off the remembrance of them from the earth. צ 18 and They cried, and The ALMIGHTY Creator heard, And delivered them out of all their troubles.

Matthew 5:44But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.

Praise The ALMIGHTY Creator!!!!!

african american,african americans,african american christians,christianity,jesus,virgin mary,hebrew israelites,black hebrew israelites,The ALMIGHTY Creator,The Annointed One,

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