🎀Epic Name pclevi
🦄Creator Code PCLEVI
Switch Friend Code SW 7670-1746-9794
🌈Help the Potato Clan grow🌟
🎀Follow us on Instagram👉
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🦄Join Our Discord Server The Potato Clan👉
🎀Livestream days and times🦄
Monday-Thursday 5:20pm - 7:00pm pst
Friday- Saturday 7:00pm - 10:30pm pst
✨ Chat Rules✨
🌟 GOLDEN RULE: Treat others how you want to be treated
🎀No drama in chat save it for your mama
🦄Be kind and courteous to everyone
🎀No Links
🦄No foul language
🎀No Spamming
🦄No Self-Promoting
🎀No asking to be a Mod (being a mod causes explosive diarrhea, blurry vision, balding , and also decreases your life span by 10 years)
* If you frequently break the rules we will have no other choice but to have BANISHED TO THE SHADOW REALM 💫Σ(゚Д゚;)
(∩^o^)⊃━━━━━☆゚.*・。 Kirby powers courtesy of Skitz(∩^o^)⊃━━━━━☆゚.*・。
We hope you all have an amazing day!! God Bless ✨
#Fortnite #FortniteLive