During this COVID-19 lockdown, it seems impossible to bring fresh vegetables everyday. It becomes imperative to stock up vegetables and store and preserve them properly so that we can use basic vegetables for long. Sharing some simple kitchen tips to store vegetables for long in lockdown.
Kitchen tips to store tomatoes, tips to store coriander, tips to store green peas, useful kitchen tips and tricks, preserve tomatoes for long, preserve winter green peas for one year, store coriander for long, store mint for long
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Healthy Kadai,Kitchen tips to store vegetables,Store green peas for long,Lockdown kitchen tips,Covid-19 tips,Quarantine tips,Tips to store vegetables for long,Preserve vegetables for long,Tomato preservation tips,Tips to preserve tomatoes,Store coriander for long,Kitchen tips to survive lockdown,Important things to do in lockdown,kitchen hacks,Kitchen tips and tricks,Follow kitchen tips in lockdown,coronavirus,covid19,