
One Nation, One King: Insurrection of 10 August 1792

One Nation, One King: Insurrection of 10 August 1792 (Journée du 10 août 1792) The Insurrection of 10 August 1792 was a defining event of the French Revolution, when armed revolutionaries in Paris, increasingly in conflict with the French monarchy, stormed the Tuileries Palace. The conflict led France to abolish the monarchy and establish a republic.

Conflict between King Louis XVI of France and the country's new revolutionary Legislative Assembly increased through the spring and summer of 1792 as Louis vetoed radical measures voted upon by the Assembly. Tensions accelerated dramatically in August when Prussian and Austrian armies entered France, promising to protect the French Monarchy against the revolution. On August 10th, the National Guard of the Paris Commune and fédérés from Marseille and Brittany stormed the King's residence in the Tuileries Palace in Paris, which was defended by the Swiss Guards. Hundreds of Swiss were killed in the battle, and Louis and the royal family took shelter with the Legislative Assembly. The formal end of the monarchy occurred six weeks later on September 21st as one of the first acts of the new National Convention, which established a Republic on the next day.[1]

The insurrection and its outcomes are most commonly referred to by historians of the Revolution simply as "the 10 August"; other common designations include "the day of the 10 August" (French: journée du 10 août) or "the Second Revolution".

8월 10일 사건(프랑스어: Journée du 10 août 1792)은 프랑스 혁명 시기인 1792년 8월 10일 파리에서 일어난 튈르리 궁전 습격(프랑스어: Prise des Tuileries) 사건이다. 이 사건으로 프랑스는 왕권이 중지되고, 루이 16세와 마리 앙투아네트 등 국왕일가는 떵플 탑에 유폐되었다. 상퀼로트(무산계급)를 중심으로 한 무장 봉기가 사실상 혁명이었기 때문에 8월 10일 혁명이라고도 하며 프랑스 혁명은 새로운 단계에 들어갔다.

또한 이 사건은 무력 충돌로 유혈 사태로 이어져 많은 사상자를 냈고, 그 책임을 일방​​적으로 루이 16세에게 묻는 여론은 갈수록 높아져 그것이 국왕 재판으로 이어졌다.

Un peuple et son roi (2018)


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