
Trump Suggests Injecting Disinfectant and UV light or Something I honestly don't know

Trump Suggests Injecting Disinfectant and UV light or Something I honestly don't know How the f*ck am I supposed to describe this video?

*EDIT* I really didn't think it was possible, but I'm already seeing Trump supporters in the comments coming up with rationalisations/defences of this blistering insanity. So to those of you saying things like "ya, but akshually, intravenous UV/blood irradiation treatment is real"... Did you LISTEN to this video? Does that sound like a man who actually researched or had any prior basis for what he was saying? He just f*cking blurted out the first notion that came into his head! Even in the astronomically unlikely event that the lunatic turned out to be right, it wouldn't have been because there was any rationale behind what he was saying. He clearly just came up with this madness off the cuff. Evidenced by the fact he SUGGESTED INJECTING DISINFECTANT. So please, spare us the desperate mental gymnastics just so you can justify your contrarian lib-owning bullshit and perpetuate this trainwreck political cult.


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