HEY EVERYBODY!! I got some new pets I want to show you!! It's a Cat and Dog named Mu Mu and Ruff Fuff! They are so cute and I love them so much! Mom had a really good idea on taking them on vacation! Before we left we had to order them a carrying case and it had to be delivered but luckily the delivery man can deliver packages in 5 min! We got them a special case and then we packed our bags to go to HAWAII!! I love that place!! We headed to the airport where we met by security and we checked everything we had in and headed to our gate! We then got on the plane and settled in! We had a bumpy start to our flight but it all ended up ok and we were safe! It was a long flight so we had some fun on the plane! We read books, listened to our music , and played with our pets! The flight attendant came and gave us really tasty treats!! We Then Landed in Hawaii and we had to go to the beach to meet Dad!! He has been there waiting for us!! This fun skit was so much fun!! See if you can spot dad throughout this video!
my last video - PET BABIES trapped in LAVA!! Adley & Family play Floor is Lava, ball game inside with NEW challenges
my dad's last video - NiKO Buried in MUD!! Muddy Beach Day family routine, Kite Flying reviews, Adley trapped in sand mud!
Bye vlog *pshhhhh*