Sorry about the lack of videos lately. These Ash challenges just take a ridiculous amount of work so if I continue regular uploads then it would take like six weeks or more to finish each one. This will be the last one of these for a while. Sorting out everything with a 3DS is going to be something of a nightmare and trying to do that right now is just not an option. Instead, we'll back to regular challenges (although you know mine are never quite that simple).The next one will be in Pokémon Sword because I finally gave up on trying to fix the original capture card I got and just bought a new one instead. I'd say think of it as a Worst Diverse Team meets Solo Typing and it's probably going to take a while. I'm not sure why I decided on getting back into regular challenges with one this difficult but I've recorded eight hours so far and I'm not at the first Gym yet.
Anyway, that's your reward for reading the description. You get to know about the next challenge. I'd also like to get a couple of Random Episode Challege videos done soon and of course we'll be continuing with the Random Card Challenge and the White 2 Randomizer Nuzlocke (eventually). Thanks for reading and for watching!