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El poema de Federico el Grande:
Bauer, T. 2014. Male-Male Love in Classical Arab Poetry. En E.L. McCallum The Cambridge History of Gay and Lesbian Literature. Pp. 107-124.
Cherpion, N. 1995. Sentiment conjugal et figuration à l’Ancien Empire, Sonderschriften des Deutschen Archäologischen Institut in Kairo, 28: 34-45.
Dowson, T.A. 2000. Why Q***r Archaeology? An Introduction, World Archaeology, 32: 161-165.
Dowson, T.A. 2008. Q***** gender in Ancient Egypt, in C. graves-Brown (ed.) S** and Gender in Ancient Egypt: 27-46. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales.
Rubin, M. 1996. The Person in the Form: Medieval Challenges to Bodily Order. En “Framing medieval bodies”. Artículo también en
Hadley, K. 2011. Frederick the Great love Poem. History Today:
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Reeder, G. 2000. Love, Conjugal Constructs, and the Tomb of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep, World Archaeology 32: 193-208.
Reeder, G. 2008. *** Egyptologies of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep, in C. Graves-Brown (ed.) Sex and Gender in Ancient Egypt: 143-155. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales.
Boyd, L.D. On L**** and g**/q**** in medieval studies. Ver
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