
Sofia Smallstorm – COVID-19 Is Simply a Ghost – April 27, 2020

Sofia Smallstorm – COVID-19 Is Simply a Ghost – April 27, 2020 Multistreaming with

The “virus model” is simply a storyline that has taken the world by storm. This was the result of many decades of conditioning of the public. Any storyline might have worked, but you have to prep people first.

Because public health has been weaponized, Sofia does not stick to health issues only. The elephant in the room is that human beings cannot think for themselves anymore, nor do they want to. We are herd creatures to start with, preferring to have a leader, and that leader today is Fake News, you could say.

One has to venture out into the unknown, as a pioneer of thought, in order to figure out how to navigate the maze. Otherwise you will just run around and around and become more desperate and frantic with every cycle.

Show highlights:

The NWO fantasy; so much is being thrown at us at one time; we’re just frogs in a slow boiling pot of water

Flu didn’t exist before the electrification of the world

Making the case that anxiety attacks and weak nerves are caused by electrical illness

People out of work would rather wait for their stimulus check than to get out and help with the produce picking so the supply chains won’t be disrupted. The food will end up rotting on the farms

Sofia tells us about Piezo electricity. Pretty wild stuff

Biology serving technology through harvesting energy of human movements

Sofia talks about COVID testing

Why the testing of HIV was more destructive than anything

A mind bending idea from Arthur Firstenburg

Some very interesting facts about this pandemic

Sofia Smallstorm,COVID-19,Conspiracy,Viruses,flu,New World Order,

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