
BLACK LIVES MATTER. Resources and How You Can Help in the Description.

BLACK LIVES MATTER. Resources and How You Can Help in the Description. Black Lives Matter. Let's work together as a community to make a real difference.

Not sure where to begin? There are so many ways to get involved. This movement is fluid and growing every day, so it is up to us to seek out spaces where we can make a difference. Look on social media for local fundraising efforts that speak to you. Amplify those efforts and continue spreading the word.

Below are some of our personal recommendations:


Split a donation between 40 Community Bail Funds, including the LGBTQ Fund.

Help fund nonprofit journalism covering criminal justice.

Donate to the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

Since May 29, there have been over 125 press freedom violations reported by journalists during the demonstrations against the death of George Floyd.


Sign Amnesty International’s Letter to Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

Make Calls with The Action Pac. Dial the number and it will walk you through the process and what to say.


Watch the documentary 13th which covers the criminalization of African Americans and the U.S. prison boom.

Dive deeper. Take the Open Yale Course “African American History: From Emancipation to the Present.”

Above all else, elevate black voices and listen. Together we can make America a more just home.

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