
Polytopia - Which Tribe Should You Buy? | The Battle of Polytopia Ultimate Tribe Buying Guide

Polytopia - Which Tribe Should You Buy? | The Battle of Polytopia Ultimate Tribe Buying Guide Polytopia - Which Tribe Should You Buy? | The Battle of Polytopia Ultimate Tribe Buying Guide Need help deciding which Polytopia tribe you should purchase? This video will help you decide! In this video, I go in-depth about tribes like Vengir, Elyrion, Kickoo, Luxidoor, Polaris, Hoodrick, and Yădakk, and why you should, or shouldn't purchase them! Enjoy!

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So, you’re starting to get pretty good at Polytopia. You’ve fought countless battles against bots, but now you’re ready to take it up a notch and fight some human opponents, or maybe you just want a new way to play. In order to play Multiplayer Battles on Polytopia, you need to first purchase a tribe. But which tribe should you pick? It may seem difficult to narrow down your choices, so I’m here to help. Let me first say there is no tribe that will absolutely guarantee your victory, but there are certainly tribes that are better than others. The tribe you buy all depends on your preferred playstyle.

Want to take an aggressive approach and quickly defeat your opponent? Vengir and Elyrion are your top choices. Vengir starts with the Smithery tech and a powerful swordsman. While this is great for overrunning your opponent with sheer strength, Vengir is only really viable on maps where each opponent is packed in tight, and they’ll lose virtually every time to an economic tribe on a spacious map. Elyrion is more versatile, however. Elyrion starts with the forest magic tech which allows you to enchant wild animals, turning them into polytaurs that will fight for you. Polytaurs have 3 attack and 1 defense, essentially making them swordsmen with low defense. The upside to this is that these units are only 2 stars, making them perfect for rushing. Elyrion also gives you the ability to enchant whales, turning them into Navalons. They’re essentially water knights with stats comparable to a giant, making them very good for controlling the water and shredding through boat spam. These Navalons can also siege cities, despite them not being able to travel on land. While this does remove the sweet 10 star bonus you'd get from normal whales, I think this is a good trade-off.

The second method of play, is the economic approach. Kickoo and Zebasi fit into this group the most along with Imperius and Bardur, but you already have those. Kickoo works best on large maps with few opponents because they thrive when they have room for expanding, similar to Aquarion. Kickoo starts with the fishing tech, and their terrain resembles an archipelago making it great for customs houses. Customs houses are very powerful buildings, as they will give you two stars per turn for each port that surrounds them, so go for as many as possible. Zebasi starts with the farming tech, which makes it easy to get high level cities without having to research too many other techs, saving you stars. Zebasi works really well with early roads and are great for people who love expanding quickly. On top of that, all profits made from the Zebasi tribe are invested in solar energy projects, thanks to Midjiwan partnering with Trine. Remember gamers, there’s nothing more epic than helping people in need, so if you want a decent tribe, and you want to help people, go ahead and buy Zebasi.

Okay, so those playstyles are cool and all, but what if you want a tribe that can fit both early game domination, and act as an economic powerhouse? Well my friend, Luxidoor is for you. They don’t have a starting tech, but they start with a walled level 3 capital, giving you 4 stars per turn as opposed to the usual 2. This means you don't have to upgrade your capital on the first turn, and it allows you to create more units. Since your capital is already upgraded, this opens up the path for an early game super unit which will devastate the growth of any economic tribe near you. On large maps you can spread rapidly and research a few techs to level up more cities in a timely manner, making them a good counterpick to expansionist tribes. This versatility does not come cheap though, so be prepared to spend a bit extra for Luxidoor.

If you want a completely new way to play the game, I recommend Polaris. They start with the Frostwork Tech which allows you to build outposts and train Moonis, units that can freeze terrain and units. A frozen unit will not be able to move on its next turn, and it will also not be able to retaliate upon being attacked. So if you just want a new fun way to play Polytopia, buy Polaris.

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