In order to use it, we must first understand an existential truth that unfortunately, most humans overlook. That truth is in the way we learn and comprehend life. Our brains and bodies record what they experience and are constantly attempting to stay fixed inside what they learn, as it is the place where we feel safe. We know and understand it, and we use it to create a set of criteria or a model for how life goes. Then anytime something new happens (which is all the time since the world is constantly changing), our brains use the criteria to determine how to respond to knew situations. If the new things match up with what it already knows, we allow ourselves to flow with the new stimuli. If however the new stuff doesn’t (which is the case a great deal of the time), we begin to resist – we judge, we defend, we argue, we fight and we try to escape in order to protect ourselves from the new situation. Our brains try to keep us safely gripped to the things we know. When we encounter new people, places and things that don’t match up, we reject them. As you can imagine, this is why we have so much conflict in our world. We’re all walking around with very limited, biased perspectives of how the world works, meanwhile leaving out A WHOLE LOT of other ways it also works and in turn, rejecting parts of life. We bring our past into the present and use it to inform the future. All the while, we go through life never truly being in the present – the only place that’s real. We do everything from punish others to ourselves for not fitting inside our criteria and when something as big as a pandemic takes place, our entire model is challenged and we’re left without much else to do but adapt or evolve our model to accept the new way or suffer and possibly perish.
If we can cultivate the self-awareness and self-discipline to recognize the greatest human trick – that everything we fear or suffer from is due to fixing to our blinders, our limited ways for experiencing life – and to then let go and allow whatever life delivers to be acceptable, we can live in a way of complete and total certainty. No matter what happens, we accept it and it has no power over us. We agree to whatever hand we are dealt, we learn to play it, and the world can go all sorts of ways and we just be with all of it.
Following this video, tune into my How to Cope with Anxiety video which offers a quick fix to feel better fast. If you enjoy the video, please give me a like below, leave a comment and subscribe to my channel for more life design tools. Then head over to my website at to book a FREE CLARITY SESSION so we can discuss how to heal your anxiety, get you out of a rut, over the pain, and busy designing the life of your dreams. While you're there, sign up for the Inner Circle, where you'll find some of the top best life tips and tricks that money can buy, but I'm sharing for free to your inbox. Peace!
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