
Outback Outlaw A Tribute To My Father and Mother In-law. Sommer’s Mum and Dad.

Outback Outlaw A Tribute To My Father and Mother In-law. Sommer’s Mum and Dad. When Outback Outlaw and Sommer travelled to the US, Sommer’s mum and dad travelled from Warruwi, Goulburn Island in the Northern Territory to come and look after our animals and look after the house. They had never travelled this way to Western Australia...Covid 19 hit the country and now they can’t get back home to Warruwi, but they are here with us, safe and comfortable.
Old Man Johnny Namayiwa is the Senior Traditional Owner of Goulburn Island, thousands of years of family tradition and cultural norms flow through the veins of this old man, he speaks 7 languages, he is a leader of his people and it is with great respect that I share this video with the world.
I grew up on this Old Mans island, Our son is buried on this island with my aboriginal father in his grave, a senior ceremony man and cultural leader of the Galpu clan. Before he passed away in 2012 he handed over his family the Galpu mob on Goulburn Island to Johnny to act as our father and ensure we were cared for. I have much respect and love for this man and his family, his people, the land and the culture.
I hope you appreciate the images in this video and are able to feel just a little bit of the ancient connection to country.

Peace. Stay safe.


All music Epidemic Sounds,

Footage from the PBS Series Language Matters a film by David Grubin. Renowned filmmaker and Golden Globe winner.

And footage from Warruwi FMs You Tube video of Johnny Namayiwa singing a song he wrote many years ago and only just recently recorded it.

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