
Real Talk with Zac from ManOverboard: growing up, prison time, influences, post prison and much more

Real Talk with Zac from ManOverboard: growing up, prison time, influences, post prison and much more In this livestream Zac from ManOverBoard talks with Ryan from Social Standards about his childhood, prison time, some brief history of why he thinks he went to prison and a lot more. It is a look at the early stages of his adolescence that shaped the out come of his future and some key factors that influenced bad decisions and how he sees' things differently now. This is part 1 of many that is being held on Wednesdays at 8pm @zavovrboard. We are breaking it all down because it is entirely too much to cover in one hour. This is the first time these topics have ever been discussed in an open setting. It is not meant to be glorified and hopefully you can take something positive away from this. You will learn things Zac didn't even know about his best friend prior to his incarceration and while in the Feds. Strong Language Is Used*********
#manoverboard #prisontalk #reintegration

#socialstandards,#manoverboard,#reintegration,#realtalk,prison reform,cover-19,corona virus,prison talk,hood stories,

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